FrozenPlain's Origin
27 November 2023
To get the ball rolling on this new blog, I will share a bit of FrozenPlain’s background.
FrozenPlain started back in 2013 when I was fresh out of college. I was fascinated by the idea of sampling real-world sounds - often unusual sounds - and turning them into ‘virtual instruments’. I already had an interest in composing electronic and film-score type music, but the idea of making my own instruments - and potentially being paid to do it - was very drawing.
My first main project was Terracotta. I took a whole array of terracotta flowerpots from my parent’s garden-shed and sampled them being hit with a rubber mallet. I then took the recordings and put them inside Kontakt; tuning them, and creating an interface to control their character using Kontakt-Script.
After many years working with Kontakt I realised how much I enjoyed the programming aspect of the work. I also started wanting to make things that weren’t possible in Kontakt. And so I transitioned into developing audio software using C++. Fast-forward many more years and now my focus is Mirage; a sampler-engine of my own. I want to keep growing Mirage into an incredible tool - designed to genuinely provide value to people wanting to make music.